Economic development in Guingouine – pilot project
The village of Guingouiné is located in the Gbêbkê region in Western Côte d’Ivoire (in an area called “the region of 18 mountains”). TMG-CI, the Ivorian subsidiary of the group provides financial support to develop economic opportunities and improve the social conditions of the villagers on a 7 hectares land. The project has started on March 2017. The group plans to build a brickyard and a carpentry, a health center, a school with six classes, a mosque and a church, and a playground area. It will also intervene on the local infrastructures to improve the state of the main road.
+ pictures (kids / donations etc with captions / avec legendes)
Gender empowerment
The group aims at helping Guingouiné women to achieve financial autonomy and increase income revenue.
TMG-CI provides financial support and training to the cooperative Mesagô, gathering 32 women and led by a mother of seven and a widow, Ms Makonie. Their main source of revenue is culture of cassava, rice, corn and okra. They sell their products on-site. Most of the time, outside buyers come to the fields to buy. Some of the harvested products are transported by 3 to 4 women in the nearest city Douélé in Man department. These women lack means of transportations and resources to optimize their sales.
(+ pictures des women)