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TMG real estate development zones


Ms. Tiguidanke Camara, Chairman & CEO of Tigui Mining Group, is a native of Boké. As a social entrepreneur she wants to put an accent on affordable housing to alleviate the pressing need in home ownership thus contributing to reduce housing crises and elevate the community's living standard.


In Guinea TMG owns few lands located in strategic areas and in main towns such as Boke, Forecariah, Kindia and in Conakry, the main capital just to name few totaling more than 19.65 hectares and 6,784.42 m2 all together. 


These lands are part of TMG Real Estate Development program  focused on acquiring, developing, and managing properties to create long-term value.

TMG appreciates the value of purchasing land and developing it into quality residential and commercial buildings.


As part also of TMG Real Estate Hospitality Group Development, we realize the demand for luxury hotels and has relationship with some of the leading flags looking to enter into West Africa.We will use some of our land assets in that prospect as well.


We chose the town of Boké, in Tanéné to start our first development projet because of its rich cultural and touristic history and the fact that Boké is the industrial town of Guinea.




Conakry: 1,664.42 m2

Yimbaya- 875 m2 ; P11 lot 5; Decree No 3938/MTPMG/75

Simbaya- 789.42 m2



Dandayah- 5ha 15a 25 ca 


Kindia: 1,080 m2

540 m2, Lot 37-P1

540m2, Lot 37-P5


Boke: 14 ha 41a 79 ca and 4,040 m2

Tanene: 14 ha 41a 79 ca; registration No 035

Dibia: 2,240 m2

Yomboya: 1,800 m2, P-12, 13 and 14, Lot 14


Presentation of Guinea housing opportunity


The health and economic crisis has affected housing sector investment in Guinea.The aftermath of Ebola Virus left households ravished in poverty, the government as a result decided to embark on programmes to provide affordable housing to reduce the housing crisis in the city of Conakry. 


Housing Supply


Guinea’s urban growth is the result of its natural population growth, the rural exodus and the transformation of the outskirts of the country’s towns and cities. Imbalances in the urban structure of towns and cities have increased, confirming the predominant role of the capital city and economic centers.


The estimated population in Conakry amounted to 15.7 percent of the national population. The housing market in Guinea comprises of 70 percent of rental housing in stock with average rental price in the city centre being US$ 1 000 and US$ 500 outside the centre.


The provision of housing in Guinea is characterized by Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) between Government and private developer’s projects as part of a larger effort by the Government to alleviate the serious housing shortage nationwide.


Housing Sector Opportunities


The most dynamic sectors in Guinea are agriculture and mining. The government recognizes the need for adequate housing and has placed efforts in the form of social housing projects that are executed through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) however the affordable housing bracket has not been catered to as yet. There are a number of reforms that the country could undertake that would catalyse economic growth which would likely increase housing affordability.


According to Doing Business, Guinea's property market is making steady progress when it comes to improving the business environment regarding real estate.


TMG Real Estate development project zone in Tanene, Guinea


The Boké Region is located in western  Guinea. It is bordered by the countries of Senegal and Guinea-Bissau and the Guinean regions of Kindia and Labé. Its capital is the city of BokéIt is also a sub-prefecture of Guinea. Located along the Rio Nuñez which flows to its not-too-distant mouth on the Atlantic Ocean, Boké is a port. It is known for the Fortin de Boké museum, formerly a slave fort. The town is served by Boké Baralande Airport. As of 2014 the city and surrounding sub-prefecture had a population of 61,449 people.


The Boké Region is the home to a great part of Guinea's aluminium (or bauxite) reserves. At least two of the country's largest miningfacilities are located there.




This part of the Guinea coast was made known by the Portuguese voyagers of the 15th century. In consequence, largely, of the dangers attending its navigation, it was not visited by the European traders of the 16th-18th centuries so frequently as other regions north and east, but in the Rio Pongo, at Matakong (a diminutive island near the mouth of the Forekaria), and elsewhere, slave traders established themselves, and ruins of the strongholds they built and defended with cannon, still exist (e.g., Fortin de Boké). When driven from other parts of Guinea the slavers made this difficult and little known coast one of their last resorts, and many barracoons were built in the late years of the 18th century. It was not until after the restoration of Goree to her at the close of the Napoleonic wars that France evinced any marked interest in the region. At that time the British, from their bases at the Gambia and Sierra Leone, were devoting considerable attention to these Rivières du Sud (i.e, south of Senegal) and also to the Futa Jallon. René Caillié, who started his journey to Timbuktu in 1827, did much to quicken French interest in the district, and from 1838 onward French naval officers, Bouèt-Willaumez and his successors, made detailed studies of the coast.

By 1849, the French had caused so much local resentment that France had to take over the Boké area. By 1895, it had become part of French West Africa.

Tanéné Department 

Tanéné is a small town and sub-prefecture in the Boké Prefecture in the Boké Region, and a village, in Guinea Maritime between Boffa, Fria, and Conakry. As of 2014 it had a population of 33,824 people.


It is a "crossroads village" built around the gas station located just after the metal bridge on the river Konkouré. The village has been growing rapidly since the construction of a bridge on the Fatala (also known as Rio Pongo downstream) in Boffa. For instance, the population of Guémèyiré on the right bank of the Rio Pongo has mainly moved to Tanéné. The economy is focused on small business generated by passengers swapping taxis.

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