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Tiguidanke Camara Inspiring Africa’s Up And Coming Mining Women 


TIGUIDANKE CAMARA, a Guinean native and former international model turned mining entrepreneur, is quickly becoming one of the mining sector's greatest role models, especially for women. Her passion and her story, to positively improve the lives of communities in Africa through her company's mining projects in Guinea and Cote D'Ivoire in West Africa, is inspirational and impressive considering she has no formal mining education, writes LAURA CORNISH. 


Although Camara first pursued a career in modelling in the United States in her teenage years, her heritage and connection with Guinea and its mining sector ultimately saw her return to her industry, “intent on changing the landscape of the mining field, as a woman, and broadening the sector further”. 


Success Story 


Après s’être lancée dans le mannequinat aux États-Unis, puis être devenue responsable dans le prêt à porter de luxe et entrepreneur dans la mode africaine, la Guinéenne, Tiguidanké Camara devient entrepreneur minier. Elle fonde en 2009 une société minière spécialisée dans l’extraction du diamant et de l’or.


Aujourd’hui sa compagnie, Tigui Mining Group (TMG) qui regroupe la filiale Camara Diamond & Gold Trading Network (CDGTN), est implantée en Guinée et est en pleine expansion en Afrique de l’Ouest. Rencontre avec une femme d’affaires visionnaire. 

Not Just A Pretty Face: A Former Model Becomes An Entrepreneur To Be Reckoned With 


Tiguidanke Mounir Camara, a former model turned mining entrepreneur, is the Chairman and Chief executive Officer of tigui mining Group (TMG) and Camara Diamond & Gold trading Network (CDGTN). She founded the two companies in 2012 and 2009 respectively.


*Ms. Camara is one of the youngest women mining executives on the continent. She is also one of the few female mine owners in africa and the only one in Guinea*. A visionary and proactive businesswoman, she uses her entrepreneurial background to pursue her objective of creating a conglomerate of natural resources and innovative technology companies. 

Mme Tiguidanke Camara dans le Monde au Feminin.mp3 - Voices of America

À la découverte de l’engagement et des valeurs de Tiguidanké Mounir Camara


Pour la rubrique Femmes et Développement cette semaine, Tiguidanké Mounir Camara a accepté de partager avec votre quotidien électronique Guinéenews©, son engagement et ses valeurs sur lesquelles elle a bâti sa carrière dans le milieu des mines.


Guinéenews© : Pouvez-vous vous présenter ?


Tiguidanké Camara : Je m’appelle Tiguidanké Mounir Camara. Je suis la fondatrice et Présidente Directrice Générale de Tigui Mining Group (TMG).


Tigui Mining Group, est une compagnie d’exploration minière spécialisée dans l’extraction de l’or, du diamant et des minerais associés, et de la filiale Camara Diamond and Gold Network (CDGTN).

Tiguidanke Mounir Camara « J’ai compris très tôt que l’effort paie »


Mannequin puis manager dans la mode enfantine aux États-Unis, elle a changé de cap en 2009 pour créer en Guinée sa société spécialisée dans l’extraction minière, dont elle est aujourd’hui PDG.


Propos recueillis par Célhia de Lavarène


Elle est l’une des rares femmes à diriger un groupe dans le secteur minier. Issue du milieu de la mode, elle a fondé en 2009 sa compagnie, qui englobe Camara Diamond & Gold Trading Network (CDGTN), et Tigui Mining Group, basé à New York et à Conakry.


Depuis, ses activités sont en plein essor : elle a acquis des licences d’exploitation, noué des partenariats avec des responsables du secteur en Afrique de l’Ouest, et envisage d’ouvrir de nouveaux bureaux au Ghana, au Sénégal et en Côte d’Ivoire. Parallèlement, elle a rejoint l’association Women in Mining International (WIM) dont elle a créé en 2013 une antenne en Guinée.

Tiguidanke Camara – Don’t be silent, start making a noise


As the Chairman and CEO of junior mining companies, Tigui Mining Group and Camara Diamond Gold Trading Network, Tiguidanke Camara’s first contact with mining was through jewellery while she modelled. The model turned mining entrepreneur is about to see her first project go into production in the Ivory Coast.


Tiguidanke is in mining for the long haul as she looks to expand her operations across West Africa.  “What I have learnt is that with mining, it’s not a date, it’s a long-term marriage.” She says patience, passion and professionalism are vital ingredients for success. The mother of two believes you can be a great businesswoman as well as a great mother to your children. By Camila Reed

Breaking New Ground


Thanks to its large deposits of bauxite, Iron ore, gold and diamonds, Guinea is on the threshold of what could be a major mining boom. Since the country’s first free and fair elections in 2010, not only has the economy stabilised and inflation decreased by more than 10%, the effective sweeping reforms across all sectors of industry have motivated a steady pace of investor interest, not least of which is home-grown.


Among those investors is Tiguidanke Camar, former fashion model turned mining entrepreneur. Her influence has been excep- tional. Involved on all fronts with local communities where the two companies she heads as chairman and CEO – Tigui Mining Group (TMG) and Camara Diamond & Gold Trading Network (CDGTN) – operate she has contributed significantly in presenting the positive face of her country to the world. 

Doing Business in Africa: What You Need To Know About Opportunities in The Next Business Frontier 


Tiguidanke Camara, a former fashion model turned mining magnate, has seen her business dealings halted because of the Ebola outbreak. Through her companies, Tigui Mining Group and Camara Diamond & Gold Trading Network, she owns gold and diamond mining assets in her home country of Guinea. She is in discussions with the Abidjan government to launch a gold and diamond mining operation. 


She says entrepreneurs from the U.S. must learn the culture while exercising great patience. "In the U.S., time is money. This ideology is fine when you have a great system and processes that ensure the smooth flow of business and people who have internalized the belief. This is not the case for most countries in Africa. But in Africa, things move a lot slower" she says. 


On The Radar: Tiguidanké Camara, Mining Executive


Former fashion model turned mining entrepreneur, Tiguidanké Camara is the founder and chairman of Tigui Mining Group in her native Republic of Guinea and one of Africa’s youngest female mining executives. Tigui Mining Group, one of a handful of women-owned mineral exploration companies, is the parent company of Camara Diamond & Gold Trading Network, an exploration and exploitation junior mining company focused on gold and diamond projects in West Africa. The company has an office in New York.

Tiguidanke Camara Goes from Fashion Model to CEO and Chairman of Tigui Mining Group


It’s not every day one goes from being a fashion model to becoming a miner. But that’s the fascinating career arc of Tiguidanke Camara, remembered in the fashion world simply as Tigui. Camara is the daughter of Mohamed Mounir Camara, a former Governor and currently the political advisor to the Prime Minister of Guinea Conakry. She is Chairman and CEO of Camara Gold and Mining Network and the CEO of Tigui Mining Group. Her companies acquire and develop mining assets with a focus on gold, diamond and associated minerals.

Young Guineans Must Work Very Hard To Help Their Country 
September 2014


Ms. Tiguidanke Camara embodies perfectly the spirit of the next generation of mining as she is one of the youngest female mining executives in Africa. Ms. Camara is a former model turned mining entrepreneur. From an early age, her entrepreneurial spirit drove her thinking and actions. She is the founder and chairman of both Tigui Mining Group (TMG) and Camara Diamond & Gold Trading Network (CDGTN), one of the few women-owned mineral exploration companies. Ms. Camara's key strength lies in her ability to define economically viable opportunities and translating them into reality. 


Tiguidanke Camara, Mining Entrepreneur


September 2014



If you ever had any doubts about pursuing a career in a traditionally perceived male environment as a woman, look no further than Tiguidanke Camara for Inspiration. A mining entrepreneur, and former model from Guinea, Tigui is the only female mine owner in the country. A go-getter of note, Tigui has been featured in music videos and starred in movies alongside A-listers in Holywood.


What makes her story interesting is her ability to balance motherhood and a demanding business crediting this to a winning formula conntituting will power, passion and hard work. Tigui shares her empowering journey to sucessful entrepreneurship with AfroElle's Tatenda Kanengoni.



TMG Chairman and CEO Tiguidanke Camara interviewed by AFRICA 24 during the US Africa Summit 2014 in Washignton DC. 




Tigui Camara, PDG de Tigui mining group, révèle : “Nous nous installerons bientôt en Côte d’Ivoire”

Dans le cadre de ICI 2014, nous avons rencontré Tiguidanke Camara, fondatrice et présidente directrice générale de Tigui mining group, structure basée aux Etats-Unis et spécialisé dans l’exploitation des ressources minières (diamant, or et fer). A cet effet, cette Américaine d’origine guinéenne a annoncé les ambitions de son groupe pour la Côte d’Ivoire.



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